Methodological note
Methodological note
The purpose of the Barcelona Talent Map is to share the behaviour, trends and evolution of the talent registered in the LinkedIn professional network.It is part of the “Barcelona, City of Talent” government measure, which encompasses municipal initiatives and policies to generate, develop, attract and gain the loyalty of Barcelona’s talent.It also responds to the strategy to foster talent prioritised in the new economic agenda via the “Barcelona Green Deal”, which identifies challenges to be met the period up to 2030 associated with strategic lines that guide the city’s economic future and municipal support.
Data sources
Barcelona Activa has signed an agreement with LinkedIn to access the LinkedIn Talent Insights platform, which provides anonymised, aggregate data.LinkedIn Talent enables the city to segment and access a database of 2 million professionals who identify Barcelona and its metropolitan area as the professional area where they work. It should be noted that LinkedIn applies machine learning techniques and artificial intelligence to ensure and enhance data quality.This database contains information on the professionals such as their job title, location, skills, company, sector, function, educational institution, academic qualifications, language and years of experience from individuals who indicate being employed full-time. It also contains information on job offers related to the economic sectors and knowledge. The job offers shown on LinkedIn come from more than 40,000 sources from businesses and organisations and are full-time.LinkedIn does not provide information on the age or professional rank (junior/senior) of the people registered in its professional network. Therefore, it does not provide aggregate data on these two variables.The data provided by LinkedIn Talent Insights are reported by the users and were entered into the network “freely”. It should be highlighted that LinkedIn standardizes the entered information and creates universal taxonomies to facilitate the reading and searching of information. This may cause a bias, yet it also provides information which, though not exhaustive, is useful for understanding dynamics and trends in the job market.LinkedIn shows the first 100 categories with the highest volume of professionals registered; therefore training, qualifications, sector and other information related to the job market with lower representation among the professionals are excluded, such as professional training or occupational groups or categories that do not use the LinkedIn professional network as a way to search for talent.
Data processing
The Talent Map was created with the data provided by LinkedIn users choosing and exclusively aggregating the parameters of location, aptitude, sector and educational institution in Barcelona and its metropolitan area.For each parameter, which includes the first 100 categories with the highest volume of professionals registered, representative taxonomies were created that are aligned with the narrative of the “Barcelona, City of Talent” government measure and the new “Barcelona Green Deal” economic agenda.With regard to the figures on job offers shown on LinkedIn, the processing used in the Barcelona Talent Map reflects the following: job offers with a volume higher than or equal to 10% of the total offers are considered High demand; job offers with a volume between 10% and 5% of the total offers are considered Medium demand; and job offers with a volume under 5% of the total are considered Low demand.
Variables represented
Variables represented
Variable 1: Economic sector
Technological economy
This sector covers all the professional areas that use technological services to operate or provide services. It therefore includes companies that operate with information technology, communication and digital transformation to digital-services industries. This sector also includes engineering businesses and services that contribute to the development, design and implementation of technological solutions in fields such as software engineering, IoT, telecommunications and robotics and automation in manufacturing processes.
Creative industries
This sector includes a wide variety of fields and disciplines in which creativity, innovation and originality are essential to the development and success of the products and services available. They encompass branches like marketing and advertising, design and fashion, the performing arts and music, and multimedia production.
Health and Bio
This sector includes a variety of companies and organisations devoted to researching, developing, manufacturing and distributing services related to human health and biotechnology. They encompass healthcare services, social services, pharmaceutical industries, research laboratories and diagnostic research and facilities/clinics.
Tourism and the visitor’s economy
This sector includes all the services that seek to develop a varied, high-quality, attractive tourist industry by fostering complicity between citizens and tourism. It includes economic activities related to the travel industry, hotels and restaurants, and entertainment and recreational services.
This sector comprises the production, distribution and sale of products and food, from retail to wholesale. It also includes supply chain management and logistics to guarantee the availability of products on the market. This sector also covers the local economy and agri-food, which is basic for a proper diet and gastronomic culture.
The sustainability economy
This sector comprises all the organisations and activities that work towards ensuring sustainable, lasting economic growth. They share the goal of sustainable economic development through the efficient use of resources and an equitable distribution of the proceeds, guaranteeing social well-being and cohesion while conserving the environment. It includes environmental services, renewable energy companies, sustainable transport companies and sustainable agriculture. In short, it encompasses a set of economic sectors that work to promote sustainable, equitable, fair development for future generations.
Business services
This group of business services is comprised of various areas, including construction, strategy and operations, banking, property, insurance, law, accounting, financial services, human resources, legal services, security and investigations, staff recruitment, dispatching packages and cargo, international development and trade, and investment management, among others. Each of these areas provides specific services to help companies to operate efficiently and profitably.
Care Economy
The care economy is dedicated to providing services that are key to quality of life, health and well-being individuals and families. This sector includes activities such as at home support, personalised mobility support, healthcare and well-being and physical health support. It puts the focus on ongoing improvement to quality of life by promoting healthy activities and fostering the individual’s autonomy and integral well-being.
Research and knowledge transfer
This sectors comprises academic institutions, research centres, technology parks and businesses dedicated to Research and Development. The main goal is to face up to social, economic and environmental challenges. The sector promotes interaction and cooperation between various academic disciplines, economic sectors and society as a whole to tackle complex problems that cannot be solved from a single standpoint. This way, academic institutions contribute not only to scientific and technological progress, but also to training of highly-qualified professionals and the generation of labour opportunities.
Variable 2: Talent
Digital talent includes all kinds of training aimed at developing knowledge on the use of digital technologies and IT tools. Therefore, it includes programming, programme development, software engineering, computer science, administration of networked systems, development of web applications and others.
Creative talent includes all the academic disciplines that encompass different areas of artistic creation and communication, such as marketing, graphic design, journalism, advertising, cinema, animation, fine arts, fashion design, photography, audiovisual communication and public relations. The goal of this discipline is to train professionals capable of creating and communicating visual and sound messages in an effective, innovative way, as well as to manage and direct creative projects in the different related areas.
Business and legal
This talent includes all the academic disciplines whose goal is to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to understand and handle the legal and economic complexities of companies, as well as to develop and implement effective strategies for managing companies and organisations. It includes disciplines like law, economics, accounting, project management, international business, business leadership, occupational risk prevention, business management, finances, logistics management and others.
Humanities talent includes the fields that encompass the different areas related to human beings and our social, cultural and historical milieu. Therefore, it includes academic disciplines like psychology, education, social sciences, languages and literature, history, translation and interpreting, political science and government, international studies, philosophy, sociology and art history.
Scientific and technical
Scientific and technical talent includes academic disciplines like mathematics, chemistry, medicine, biology, pharmacy, physics, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, telecommunications engineering, architecture and environmental studies. This talent is capable of understanding, managing and proposing solutions for the scientific and technological complexities of the different economic sectors.
Variable 3: Knowledge
Digital knowledge is the set of competences and skills related to the use of the information and communication technologies (ICT) for communicating, collaborating, learning, creating content and solving problems. It includes skills like Internet browsing, data management, the creation of digital documents, programming and coding, online communication, cybersecurity, information searches, and assessing the sources and quality of online information.
Scientific knowledge is the set of aptitudes and skills developed to research and study the natural and social sciences, as well as the laboratory skills needed for research in which standardised methods and techniques are used to collect and analyse data.
Health and sport
Health and sport knowledge is related to promoting, preventing and maintaining physical, mental and emotional health. This knowledge includes topics like healthy eating, physical exercise, sleep, stress management, the prevention of illness and sexual health. It also includes information on medicine and medical treatments, as well as the rules and practices recommended for health in general. It is important because it enables people to make informed decisions on how to stay healthy and prevent health problems.
Creative knowledge is the set of skills and knowledge related to the ability to generate new, innovative and original ideas. These skills include the ability to see things from different perspectives, make connections and find creative solutions to problems. Creative knowledge can be applied in a variety of fields, like art, music, literature, design, advertising, technology and companies. It encompasses important skills because they allow people to be innovative and adapt to an ever-changing environment like the one we live in today.
Business knowledge includes the set of skills and knowledge related to planning, organising, managing and overseeing business operations. It includes topics like strategic planning, human resources management, financing, accounting, sales management, marketing and production management. Business management knowledge is important because it allows people to understand how businesses operate and how to make informed decisions in the management of a company or in a leadership role.
Engineering knowledge is acquired by studying and practising the different branches of engineering, such as mechanical, electrical, civil and materials engineering. These skills include the ability to design, plan, build and maintain systems, structures and machinery using scientific and mathematical principles. They also include skills with IT tools like AutoCAD and other computer-assisted design programmes which are important when creating blueprints and technical specifications in the automotive and transport fields.
Financial knowledge includes all skills and aptitudes that enable one to understand the techniques and tools used to administer, invest and increase the funds of an organisation or individual. This knowledge includes drafting budgets, financial analysis, banking, accounting records and economics in general. This means understanding how financial data are measured and interpreted, how investment decisions are taken and how financial risks are managed.
Commercial knowledge encompasses the set of skills, techniques and information needed for success in commercial activities. It includes understanding customers, developing products and services, promoting and selling them, and managing finances and supplier relations. It also includes the ability to analyse and understand the market and the competition and to make strategic decisions to ensure the success of the business. This knowledge further requires the skills involved in planning, managing and overseeing a business’s operations.
Linguistic knowledge is the ability to understand, speak, read and write different languages. It includes skills in foreign languages and training in translating from the source language to other languages. This knowledge entails understanding the grammatical rules, vocabulary, pronunciation and literature of a language, as well as the cultural differences associated with each language. It also includes the ability to communicate effectively in different languages, both orally and in writing.
Analysis and research
Analysis and research knowledge includes the set of skills and techniques needed to collect, process and interpret data in order to make informed decisions. These skills include the ability to use statistical and IT tools to analyse data, the ability to design and conduct research, and the capacity to share the results of the research clearly and effectively. Analysis and research knowledge is important for many industries, such as science, technology, business and health.
Variable 4: Educational institution
Variable 5: Location
The data on this Talent Map were extracted on October 1st 2024, and are updated three times a year, preferably during February, July and October.This first edition of the Talent Map will periodically be expanded with new editions and with new information that can provide a broader and more comprehensive view of the state of talent in Barcelona.